Bacteriophages, Research, Biotechnology
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Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses that infect their host and cannot reproduce independently outside of them. The application of bacteriophages in the biotechnology and medical sectors has recently increased, including uses as a potential antibacterial agent and CRISPR technology. In this project, the 48,667 to 58,636 base pair region (genes 87-98) of the Corazon phage genome was annotated by five student researchers at Purdue University. Corazon, a cluster S phage was isolated at Lafayette College in Easton, PA. Corazon belongs to the Siphoviridae morphotype and its genome consists of 109 genes. In this study, gene locations were called using evidence consisting of alignment results, coding potential, and comparison to other phage genomes using DNAMaster, NCBI Blast, Phamerator, HHPred, Starterator. The annotation of a genome consists of confidently assigning start sites and functions to genes based on evidence obtained from auto-annotation of the genome and additional evidence collected based on the genome cluster and similar calls in other phages. Notable functions include minor tail proteins, which are found in the tail fiber or sheath of the phage, and HNH endonuclease, which is a component of the phage packaging machinery. Many of the genes annotated have no known function based on the collected evidence but additional research may yield alternative results and additional uses. Further research of bacteriophage genetics allows deeper investigation and heightened understanding of their possible uses.
Recommended Citation
Georgiev, Anna-Nikol; Myers, Kathryn; Jammer, Kierra; Callin, Morgan; Sorrel, Taylor; Clase, Kari; and Okekeogbu, Ikenna, "Genome Characterization and Annotation of a Cluster S Bacteriophage" (2019). Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference. 55.
Genome Characterization and Annotation of a Cluster S Bacteriophage
Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses that infect their host and cannot reproduce independently outside of them. The application of bacteriophages in the biotechnology and medical sectors has recently increased, including uses as a potential antibacterial agent and CRISPR technology. In this project, the 48,667 to 58,636 base pair region (genes 87-98) of the Corazon phage genome was annotated by five student researchers at Purdue University. Corazon, a cluster S phage was isolated at Lafayette College in Easton, PA. Corazon belongs to the Siphoviridae morphotype and its genome consists of 109 genes. In this study, gene locations were called using evidence consisting of alignment results, coding potential, and comparison to other phage genomes using DNAMaster, NCBI Blast, Phamerator, HHPred, Starterator. The annotation of a genome consists of confidently assigning start sites and functions to genes based on evidence obtained from auto-annotation of the genome and additional evidence collected based on the genome cluster and similar calls in other phages. Notable functions include minor tail proteins, which are found in the tail fiber or sheath of the phage, and HNH endonuclease, which is a component of the phage packaging machinery. Many of the genes annotated have no known function based on the collected evidence but additional research may yield alternative results and additional uses. Further research of bacteriophage genetics allows deeper investigation and heightened understanding of their possible uses.