Start Date
6-6-2017 12:00 AM
Short Abstract:
The educational paradigm of Innovation through Collaboration is the theory and practice of educating students from multiple disciplines in the launching of new innovations into the market.
Full Abstract:
The educational paradigm of Innovation through Collaboration is the theory and practice of educating students from multiple disciplines in the launching of new innovations into the market place. We will discuss the curricula, our industrial partnerships, and the scholarship used to educate students to identify, develop, and capitalize on high-potential business opportunities. These concepts will serve as the foundation to academically bond Bradley’s colleges, particularly business and engineering, to build programs that move innovation education along the spectrum of discovery to implementation, and to prepare students to become industry leaders.
Innovation through Collaboration
Short Abstract:
The educational paradigm of Innovation through Collaboration is the theory and practice of educating students from multiple disciplines in the launching of new innovations into the market.
Full Abstract:
The educational paradigm of Innovation through Collaboration is the theory and practice of educating students from multiple disciplines in the launching of new innovations into the market place. We will discuss the curricula, our industrial partnerships, and the scholarship used to educate students to identify, develop, and capitalize on high-potential business opportunities. These concepts will serve as the foundation to academically bond Bradley’s colleges, particularly business and engineering, to build programs that move innovation education along the spectrum of discovery to implementation, and to prepare students to become industry leaders.