Baylee Q. Bryan, Olga O. Vlashyn, Stephanie A. Deremiah, and Murphy K. O’Toole are advanced professional students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program at Purdue University, graduating in May 2019. Katherine M. Joseph is a senior in the School of Nursing, graduating in December 2018. Jane E. Krause (Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Purdue College of Pharmacy) served as a faculty mentor for this project. In this article, the authors describe their service-learning project intended to increase awareness on campus regarding prescription drug abuse and misuse.
Recommended Citation
Bryan, Baylee Q.; Vlashyn, Olga O.; Deremiah, Stephanie A.; O'Toole, Murphy K.; Joseph, Katherine M.; and Krause, Jane E.
"Peer Health Educators on Campus: Teaching Safe Medication Practices,"
Purdue Journal of Service-Learning and International Engagement: Vol. 5
Article 15.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284316835
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