Glynn Gallaway is a student in the Purdue Mechanical Engineering Class of 2020 with interests in the health care, assistive technology, and medical device industries. Glynn is from Dallas, Texas, and was inspired to pursue this career path through her interactions with youth with special needs. She joined the EPICS Ironman team in the fall of 2016 during her first year at Purdue as a part of the learning community. In this article, she discusses her experiences on the Ironman team creating a pediatric prosthetic for a young local athlete. The goal of the Ironman team is to create a low-cost pediatric prosthetic that students can use in sports.
Recommended Citation
Gallaway, Glynn
"Engineering Success on the Field: A Reflection on the EPICS Ironman Pediatric Prosthetic Project,"
Purdue Journal of Service-Learning and International Engagement: Vol. 5
Article 10.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284316824
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