Our service learning experience as teaching assistants for Professor Brett Crawford’s Foundations of Organizational Leadership course (TLI112) included collaborating with community partners such as the Wabash River Enhancement Corporation, successfully acquiring grant funding as principal investigators, inventorying needs for native plants to replace weeds and invasive species, and disseminating our experiences through various measures of impact. Our efforts fit within a transformation of a large lecture course, moving away from passive learning and toward experiential activities that included 1,340 hours of community service during a single semester. Community service impacts were measured, including links between the Global Reporting Initiatives and the United Nations Global Compact.
Recommended Citation
Baumer, Sarah and Karduss, Alfredo
"Measuring and Disseminating Organizational Leadership Through Impact,"
Purdue Journal of Service-Learning and International Engagement: Vol. 4
Article 24.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284316542
Included in
Environmental Studies Commons, Leadership Studies Commons, Organization Development Commons