Volume 2, Issue 1 (2015)
Reflective Essays
More Than Just Words: My Experience in Haiti
Lauren A. Brizgys
Reverse Culture Shock: The Purdue Kenya Partnership
Michael K. Frazier and Stephanie Kasten
Unwanted Medication Collection Events: The Importance of Proper Disposal
William L. Henderson
Restaurant Hope: Engineering a Choice-Based Service Initiative to Address Hunger
Salah Issa, Haroon Mohammad, and Muhammed I. Sarfraz
Universal HPLC Analysis for Counterfeit Medication: A Partnership of Purdue University and the Kilimanjaro School of Pharmacy
Jordyn McCord, Michael Mavity, Shanygne Ashley Damayo, and David Wintczak
Immeasurable Benefits of Professional Pharmacy Community Service
Brittany A. Oliver
Helping the Underserved and Mentally Ill
Robert A. Pecho
Give the Students Science: Creation and Implementation of a Fourth Grade STEM Unit
Jeffrey D. Radloff
Student Pharmacist Service-Learning in Western Kenya: The Implementation of Electronic Prescription Entry
Aubrie Wnek, Gabrielle Schmitt, Jennifer Miller, Jessica Reiter, and Jeremy Rife
Service-Learning Snapshots
Learning From Service With the Elderly
Benjamin L. Baker
The Importance of Pharmacists: A Reflection of Kenya
Zhuanqing Gong
China Through the Eyes of a Pharmacy Student
Jenna Gregg
Lessons in Haiti
Paige A. Pearl
My Service-Learning Experience in Haiti
Holly M. Renner
Learning Through Teaching in Haiti
Kelsey Sajdera
A Month in the Office of Engagement
Aubrie Wnek
Profile Interview
Profile Interview with Faculty Mentor Jennifer Bay
Rachel Rapkin