

Students at Purdue University are largely unaware of conservation efforts and research being done by both their fellow students and local organizations. This is why under the guidance of our mentor and as a part of the HIFI Lab, our group, the Wildlife Ambassadors, has created a website meant to push ecological efforts at Purdue University. This is done through the use of animal ambassadors, including but not limited to a wolf at Wolf Park, a local organization with which this project has been conducted in correspondence. This website will integrate and display the work of over three dozen other Honors College students upon its completion while additionally containing its content. Education about our animal ambassadors and the subject of corridor ecology (the study of habitat connectivity) is in place alongside unique experiences and merchandise that will drive further engagement to us and our partners while promoting easy access to meaningful ecological knowledge and efforts here at Purdue. In this community partner snapshot, we aim to show the benefit that increased knowledge and participation can have in environmental preservation.

Included in

Biodiversity Commons
