Monte Carlo simulations of low-energy cosmogenic neutron fluxes near the bottom of cliff faces

Published in:

Earth and Planetary Science Letters 206,1-2 (2003) 43-49;


Cosmogenic radionuclide analysis for determining exposure ages and erosion rates is becoming more extensively utilized. Due to the complexity of the neutron absorption production avenue, the interpretation of Cl-36 data is a complex problem, particularly for non-trivial landform geometries. This work provides a numerical, Monte Carlo simulation analysis of variations in in situ cosmogenic Cl-36 production rate near the bottom of vertical cliffs. It is found that in comparison with production at height (more than a thermal neutron mean free path length in air) the production rate in the cliff face increases with decreasing height, but within a thermal neutron mean free path length in rock near the bottom of the cliff, the production rate exhibits a sharp decrease. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


cosmogenic nuclides;; dating;; production rates;; neutron absorption;; monte carlo simulations;; rates;; cl-36;; nuclides;; erosion;; surfaces;; depth;; al-26;; be-10

Date of this Version

January 2003

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