Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Building and Construction Management
First Advisor
Hazar Dib
Second Advisor
Clark Cory
Committee Chair
Hazar Dib
Committee Co-Chair
Clark Cory
Committee Member 1
Bryan Hubbard
Building information modelling represents a building as a database of coordinated, consistent and computable information in construction (Sabol, 2008). There has been a recent trend to study the usage of BIM for post-construction facility management. Recently, attempts are also being made to link a BIM model with smart sensing technology or building automation systems (BAC). This thesis aims to investigate the feasibility of using sensor data from mote based light sensors tied to a BIM model, to be used for maintenance based facility management. More specifically, a prototype will be developed that integrates lighting sensor data collected using a mote tied to a wireless sensor network(WSN), with a BIM model. This integration will then be further developed for its capability of being used as a facility management tool for equipment inventory and preventive maintenance by linking COBIE sheets to it.
Recommended Citation
Suprabhas, Kamal, "Integration of BIM and utility sensor data for facilities management" (2016). Open Access Theses. 900.