Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Computer and Information Technology
First Advisor
John Springer
Committee Chair
John Springer
Committee Member 1
Eric J. Dietz
Committee Member 2
Eric Matson
Cyber networks are complex networks with various hosts forming the entities of the network and the communication between them forming the edges of the network. Most cyber networks exhibit a community structure. A community is a group of nodes that are densely connected with each other as compared to other nodes in the network. Representing an IP network in the form of communities helps in viewing the network from different levels of granularity and makes the visualization of the network cleaner and more pleasing to the eye. This will help significantly in cyber attack detection in large scale cyber networks. In order to serve this purpose, it is important to retrieve the community structure fast, before the damage done by the attacker spreads and compromises the system.
This research was an effort to bring about fast community detection of large cyber networks. The Louvain method, which is one of the most popular modularity optimization algorithms, was studied thoroughly and modified to make it faster, while preserving the quality of partitions at the same time.
Recommended Citation
Shanbhaq, Sunanda Vivek, "A faster version of Louvain method for community detection for efficient modeling and analytics of cyber systems" (2016). Open Access Theses. 814.