Date of Award
Summer 2014
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)
Mechanical Engineering
First Advisor
John H. Lumkes
Committee Chair
John H. Lumkes
Committee Member 1
Andrea Vacca
Committee Member 2
Gary Krutz
The main goal of the research was to design, manufacture, and test a new linear actuation system. Research was conducted on several types of actuation methods applied to hydraulic valves. A literature review showed that most existing actuator systems have the actuator and control mass coupled together. There is a need for high speed actuation. The proposed idea is to have the actuation mass always moving while accelerating and decelerating the control mass. The decoupling of these two will allow for the actuation and control mechanism to be independent and only move the control mechanism when needed. Initial modeling, as well as a matrix of design configurations, was done to compare the strengths of magneto-rheological fluid, piezoelectric and magnetics as a clutching mechanism. This led to the initial selection of a magneto-rheological fluid actuator. ^ A prototype of the energy coupling actuator was designed and manufactured. Building of the energy coupling actuator had many design iterations. These iterations built upon each previous design. A custom test stand was built to test the energy coupling actuator, and validate the design. The static power required to spin the kinetic energy source was measured to validate the design. Dynamic testing was performed on three prototypes and on the electrical current profile. The dynamic response of the final energy coupling actuator had a stroke of 1.5 mm in 3 ms and was also able to reach a stroke of 7 mm in 7 ms. The testing of the energy coupling actuator concluded that the product was capable of high-performance actuation.
Recommended Citation
Skelton, Daniel Richard, "Design of a high performance actuation system enabled by energy coupling actuation" (2014). Open Access Theses. 684.