Date of Award

Spring 2014

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Building Construction Management

First Advisor

Randy Rapp

Committee Member 1

Mark Shaurette

Committee Member 2

Bryan Hubbard

Committee Member 3

James Jenkins


Until recent times, closeout was not given its due diligence simply because the damage it created was not appreciated. Literature, thought-provoking discussions and thoughtful deliberations have punctuated the absolute need for a project closeout planning at the very beginning of a project. Many experienced project managers fail to plan the closeout of a job and concentrate solely on completing the contractual scope of work without paying much heed to the final percent of construction projects, the one percent that is an extremely time-consuming and expensive process if not catered for well in advance. The closeout stage is given its due diligence in this study, by recognizing that this is a persisting problem, enabling the reader to appreciate its importance.

This study aims to serve as a guide for project managers, to determine the causes why their closeout phase suffers a delay, and to ensure that by addressing those causes, their project attains a timely and efficient completion. The thesis 'Excessive delays in closeouts can be removed with the adaptation of better practices' highlights the root causes of the various problems related to closeouts, which is pivotal in providing a positive approach in this phase without trying to 'pass the buck'. This study goes on to proves evidence that by timely planning and consideration the closeout process can be a smooth process. The result would be derived by surveying experienced industry professionals, with the expectation of validating the literature review thus proving that sufficient planning and the use of better practices can prevent unnecessary and excessive closeout delays.
