Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Graphics Technology

Committee Chair

James Mohler

Committee Member 1

Victor Yingjie Chen

Committee Member 2

Cheryl Zhenyu Qian


The study tried to understand undergraduate Chinese international student perceptions and usage of Facebook. Ten undergraduate Chinese international students from a Midwestern university were recruited in this study. Half of them were senior and half of them were freshmen. Semi-structured interviews and survey were used in collecting data. Based on the analysis of data from all data source, several themes emerged and were categorized under purpose, adoption and usage. Moreover, data also provided explanation of the decline of Facebook usage among undergraduate Chinese international students as they stayed in the U.S. Findings of this study included the usability issues of Facebook such as information redundancy, separation between the Facebook App and Messenger App, privacy settings, visualization and so on. In hopes of improving product design and adoption in a different cultural environment, implications for product design were also mentioned.
