Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSECE)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Committee Chair
Mohamed El-Sharkawy
Committee Member 1
Brian King
Committee Member 2
Paul Salama
Monocular simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is an important technique that enables very inexpensive environment mapping and pose estimation in small systems such as smart phones and unmanned aerial vehicles. However, the information generated by monocular SLAM is in an arbitrary and unobservable scale, leading to drift and making it difficult to use with other sources of odometry for control or navigation. To correct this, the odometry needs to be aligned with metric scale odometry from another device, or else scale must be recovered from known features in the environment. Typically known environmental features are not available, and for systems such as cellphones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), which may experience sustained, small scale, irregular motion, an IMU is often the only practical option. Because accelerometers measure acceleration and gravity, an inertial measurement unit (IMU) must filter out gravity and track orientation with complex algorithms in order to provide a linear acceleration measurement that can be used to recover SLAM scale. In this thesis, an alternative method will be proposed, which detects and removes gravity from the accelerometer measurement by using the unscaled direction of acceleration derived from the SLAM odometry.
Recommended Citation
Tucker, Seth C., "Sensor Fusion to Detect Scale and Direction of Gravity in Monocular Slam Systems" (2017). Open Access Theses. 1330.