Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Material Science Engineering (MSMatSE)


Materials Engineering

Committee Chair

Kendra Erk

Committee Member 1

Kevin Trumble

Committee Member 2

Steve Wereley


Rheometry is a leading technology used to define material properties of multi-phase viscoelastic fluid-like materials, such as the shear modulus and viscosity. However, traditional rheometry relies on a mechanical response from a rotating or oscillating rotor of various geometries which does not allow for any spatial or temporal quantification of the material characteristics. Further, the setup operates under the assumption of a uniform and homogenous flow. Thus, only qualitative deductions can be realized when a complex fluid displays inhomogeneous behavior, such as wall slip or shear banding. Due to this lack of capability, nonintrusive imaging is required to define and quantify behavior that occurs in a complex fluid under shear conditions. This thesis outlines the design, fabrication, and experimental examples of an adapted ultrasonic speckle velocimetry device, which enables spatial and temporal resolution of inhomogeneous fluid behavior using ultrasound acoustics. For the experimental example, a commercial surfactant mixture (hair shampoo) was tested to show the utility and precision that ultrasonic speckle velocimetry possesses.
