Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Computer and Information Technology
First Advisor
Alejandra J. Magana
Committee Chair
Alejandra J. Magana
Committee Member 1
Bedrich Benes
Committee Member 2
Grant P. Richards
The present study examined the efficacy of a haptic simulation used as a pedagogical tool to teach freshmen engineering students about electromagnetism. A quasi-experimental design-based research was executed in two iterations to compare the possible benefits the haptic device provided to the cognitive learning of students. In the first iteration of the experiment performance of learners who used visual-only simulations was compared to the performance of those who used visuohaptic. In the second iteration of the experiment modifications were made to learning materials and experiment procedures to enhance research design. Research hypothesis states that multimodal presentation of information may lead to better conceptual understanding of electromagnetism compared to visual presentation alone.
Recommended Citation
Sanchez Martinez, Karla Lizeth, "Investigating The Impact Of Visuohaptic Simulations For Conceptual Understanding In Electricity And Magnetism" (2013). Open Access Theses. 122.