Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSECE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Dimitrios Peroulis

Committee Chair

Dimitrios Peroulis

Committee Member 1

Byunghooo Jung

Committee Member 2

Jeffrey F. Rhoads


The increasing demand for limited space in crowded frequency spectrum is creating new challenges to RF frontend communication systems. High gain tunable antennas, tunable filter with high selectivity and isolation, large signal-to-noise ratio tunable low noise amplifiers are demanded. This thesis demonstrates novel tunable filter synthesis that may help in developing solutions for future RF frontend filter applications. The proposed coupling scheme enable the tuning of center frequency, order, response shape, bandwidth, and transmission zero spectral location. Also, this coupling scheme can be used to implement a field-programmable filter arrays (FPFAs) design.

Included in

Engineering Commons
