Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
First Advisor
Marcy Towns
Committee Chair
Marcy Towns
Committee Member 1
George M. Bodner
Committee Member 2
Shelley Claridge
Committee Member 3
Lyudmila Slipchenko
The benefits of facilitating argumentation in science education have been well reported (Jimenez-Aleixandre & Erduran, 2007). Engaging in argumentation has shown to model authentic scientific inquiry as well as promote development of content knowledge. However, less emphasis has been placed on facilitating argumentation in upper level undergraduate courses, though it is important for evaluating undergraduate curricula to characterize upper level students’ scientific reasoning. This work considers two implementations of the POGIL physical chemistry curriculum and evaluates the classroom argumentation. The researchers aimed to consider the content of the arguments and dialectical features characteristic of socially constructed arguments (Nielson, 2013). To do this, whole class sessions were videotaped and Toulmin’s Argument Pattern (TAP) was used to identify the arguments generated during the class (Erduran, Simon, & Osborne, 2004). A learning progression on chemical thinking (Sevian & Talanquer, 2014) was used as a domain-specific measure of argument quality. Results show differences in argumentation between and across both classrooms that can be explained by analysis of instructor facilitation and the POGIL curriculum. The results from this work will be used to make recommendations for instructor facilitation of argumentation and reform of the POGIL curriculum.
Recommended Citation
Moon, Alena C., "Analysis of scientific argumentation in two physical chemistry classrooms using the POGIL approach" (2016). Open Access Dissertations. 684.