Date of Award
January 2016
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Advisor
Pedro P Irazoqui
Committee Member 1
Vijay Raghunathan
Committee Member 2
Byunghoo Jung
Committee Member 3
Kaushik Roy
Committee Member 4
Timothy S Fisher
The emerging field of wireless sensor network (WSN) is receiving great attention due to the interest in healthcare. Traditional battery-powered devices suffer from large size, weight and secondary replacement surgery after the battery life-time which is often not desired, especially for an implantable application. Thus an energy harvesting method needs to be investigated. In addition to energy harvesting, the sensor network needs to be low power to extend the wireless power transfer distance and meet the regulation on RF power exposed to human tissue (specific absorption ratio). Also, miniature sensor integration is another challenge since most of the commercial sensors have rigid form or have a bulky size. The objective of this thesis is to provide solutions to the aforementioned challenges.
Recommended Citation
Kim, Young-Joon, "Low power CMOS IC, biosensor and wireless power transfer techniques for wireless sensor network application" (2016). Open Access Dissertations. 1389.