object recognition, visuals search, hierarchical models, neurophysiology, pre-frontal cortex, ventral visual cortex, psychophysics, invariance
Visual search constitutes a ubiquitous challenge in natural vision, including daily tasks such as finding a friend in a crowd or searching for a car in a parking lot. Visual search must fulfill four key properties: selectivity (to distinguish the target from distractors in a cluttered scene), invariance (to localize the target despite changes in its rotation, scale, illumination, and even searching for generic object categories), speed (to efficiently localize the target without exhaustive sampling), and generalization (to search for any object, even ones that we have had minimal or no experience with). Here we propose a computational model that is directly inspired by neurophysiological recordings during visual search in macaque monkeys, which maps the discriminative power from object recognition models to the problem of visual search. The model takes two inputs, a target object, and a search image, and produces a sequence of fixations. The model consists of a deep convolutional network that extracts features about the target object, stores those features, and uses those features in a top-down fashion to modulate the responses to the search image, thus generating a task-dependent saliency map. We show that the model fulfills the critical properties outlined above, distinguishing it from heuristic approaches such as template matching, random search, sliding windows, bottom-up saliency maps and object detection algorithms. Furthermore, we directly compare the model against human eye movement behavior during three increasingly more complex tasks where subjects have to search for a target object in a multi-object array image, in natural scenes or in the well-known Waldo search task. We show that the model provides a reasonable first-order approximation to human behavior and can efficiently find targets in an invariant manner, without any training for the target objects.
Start Date
18-5-2018 10:40 AM
End Date
18-5-2018 11:05 AM
Included in
Finding any Waldo: zero-shot invariant and efficient visual search
Visual search constitutes a ubiquitous challenge in natural vision, including daily tasks such as finding a friend in a crowd or searching for a car in a parking lot. Visual search must fulfill four key properties: selectivity (to distinguish the target from distractors in a cluttered scene), invariance (to localize the target despite changes in its rotation, scale, illumination, and even searching for generic object categories), speed (to efficiently localize the target without exhaustive sampling), and generalization (to search for any object, even ones that we have had minimal or no experience with). Here we propose a computational model that is directly inspired by neurophysiological recordings during visual search in macaque monkeys, which maps the discriminative power from object recognition models to the problem of visual search. The model takes two inputs, a target object, and a search image, and produces a sequence of fixations. The model consists of a deep convolutional network that extracts features about the target object, stores those features, and uses those features in a top-down fashion to modulate the responses to the search image, thus generating a task-dependent saliency map. We show that the model fulfills the critical properties outlined above, distinguishing it from heuristic approaches such as template matching, random search, sliding windows, bottom-up saliency maps and object detection algorithms. Furthermore, we directly compare the model against human eye movement behavior during three increasingly more complex tasks where subjects have to search for a target object in a multi-object array image, in natural scenes or in the well-known Waldo search task. We show that the model provides a reasonable first-order approximation to human behavior and can efficiently find targets in an invariant manner, without any training for the target objects.