So You Want to Study Geopolitics?: A Guide to Classes, Curriculum & Resources


Guide providing global access to information resources on studying geopolitics. Published by Mackinder Forum February 14, 2021.


This work is a collaborative venture between Bert Chapman, Leonard Hochberg, and other members of the Mackinder Forum on studying geopolitics. It contains information on relevant courses, degrees, and scholars in this field, guidance on how to find appropriate coursework in this field from the perspective of classical geopolitics, links to U.S. and global research center websites, and relevant U.S. and foreign government information resources. Extreme caution in using Chinese and Russian government resources is also stressed.


geopolitics, grand strategy, strategic studies, geoeconomics, international relations, international economics, national security, international security, information literacy, data literacy, geospatial literacy, American studies, Anglosphere studies, European Studies, Middle Eastern and North African Studies, Russian Studies, East Asian Studies, South Asian Studies, African Studies, Latin American Studies, history, political science, government information resources, higher education

Date of this Version

