Purdue-LEaPP Assessment Toolkit
Submissions from 2024
LEaPP Advance Code Sight Word Vocabulary Baseline PPT Set 1-12, Chenell Loudermill and Tamar Greenwell
LEaPP Advanced Spelling Screener, Chenell Loudermill and Tamar Greenwell
LEaPP Basic Code Sight Word Vocabulary Baseline PPT Set 1-5, Chenell Loudermill and Tamar Greenwell
LEaPP Basic Spelling Screener, Chenell Loudermill and Tamar Greenwell
LEaPP Decoding Screener, Chenell Loudermill and Tamar Greenwell
LEaPP Scope and Sequence Progress Monitoring Form, Chenell Loudermill and Tamar Greenwell
LEaPP Sight Word Vocabulary List Advance Code, Chenell Loudermill and Tamar Greenwell
LEaPP Sight Word Vocabulary List Basic Code, Chenell Loudermill and Tamar Greenwell
LEaPP Writing Rubric, Chenell Loudermill and Tamar Greenwell