The present study seeks to answer the question whether consonant duration is perceived differently across consonants of different manners of articulation and in different contextual environments and whether such differences may be related to the typology of geminates. The results of the crosslinguistic identification experiment suggest higher perceptual acuity in labeling short and long consonants in sonorants than in obstruents. Duration categories were also more consistently and clearly labelled in the intervocalic than in the preconsonantal environment, in the word-initial than in the word-final position, and after stressed vowels than between unstressed vowels. These perceptual asymmetries are in line with some typological tendencies, such as the crosslinguistic preference for intervocalic and post-stress geminates, but contradict other proposed crosslinguistic patterns, such as the preference for obstruent geminates and the abundance of word-final geminates.
Geminate typology, perception of consonant duration, Russian, Italian, English
Date of this Version
Recommended Citation
Dmitrieva, Olga, "The Role of Perception in the Typology of Geminate Consonants: Effects of Manner of Articulation, Segmental Environment, Position, and Stress" (2017). School of Languages and Cultures Faculty Publications. Paper 17.
Author accepted manuscript version. Originally published by Sage:
Dmitrieva, Olga. “The Role of Perception in the Typology of Geminate Consonants: Effects of Manner of Articulation, Segmental Environment, Position, and Stress.” Language and Speech 61, no. 1 (March 22, 2017): 43–70. doi:10.1177/0023830917696113