Recommended Citation
Chang, L. M., and M. Hsie. Implementation of the Developed Quality Acceptance System for Steel Bridge Painting Construction. Publication FHWA/IN/JHRP-94/10. Joint Highway Research Project, Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1994.
The purpose of this research is to implement the steel bridge painting quality acceptance system developed in the Joint Highway Research Project HPR-2029-89-27 and to computerize the developed system into inspectors’ daily practice. A training program was conducted. Field experiment of the developed inspection system was initiated immediately right after the inspector training program. The new acceptance system was manually tested. Feedback from INDOT’s inspectors and other personnel were adopted to refine the inspection system. Meanwhile, an interactive computer graphic program was developed to assist the INDOT in designing the double sampling plan and deciding the sample size with controlled risks for both the INDO and painting contractors. In addition, a pen-computer system for painting quality acceptance has been developed. It reduces both the need for inspectors’ statistical background, and tedious manual paper work. The collected data will be more accurate, timely and providing the INDOT with more information to make better decisions. The electronic network system to transfer data between construction sites and the INDOT’s central office was also tested. Once the data are collected in the field, the data inside pen-computers can be transferred to PCs in the central office. The communication between field and office was enhanced. The pen-based computer system developed in this project can be applied to many other highway inspection areas, such as bridges and pavement inspections. Many current inspection works are very time-consuming and may cause errors when the data is re-typed into computers. If the existing inspection forms can be computerized through hand writing recognition technology, the required efforts and paper shuffling can be largely reduced.
Report Number
quality assurance, inspection, statistical acceptance plan, bridge painting, pen-based computers, HPR-2067
SPR Number
Project Number
File Number
Performing Organization
Joint Highway Research Project
Publisher Place
West Lafayette, IN
Date of this Version