

Improvements in the quality of service on a signalized intersection or arterial can be interpreted as a reduction in the user cost of service, which is expected to induce demand based on economic theory. This report presents a methodology for measuring and interpreting changes to user costs, and determining whether demand was induced. High-resolution signal event data and Bluetooth device MAC address matching are demonstrated in three case studies with the purpose of quantifying the impacts of changes in signal timing plans. In the first case study, 21 months of vehicle volume data are used to test whether demand was induced by optimizing offsets on a Saturday plan. In the second case study, the increase in demand for pedestrian service is quantified with respect to the implementation of an exclusive pedestrian phase using an econometric model taking the effects of season, weather, and special events into account. Finally, the third case study demonstrates the use of vehicle travel time data in quantifying changes in user costs and environmental impact (tons of carbon). A method of describing changes in travel time reliability is also presented.

Report Number



demand, traffic signal timing, pedestrians, latent demand, economics, econometric modeling, travel time, travel time reliability, SPR-3208

SPR Number


Project Number


File Number


Performing Organization

Joint Transportation Research Program

Publisher Place

West Lafayette, Indiana

Date of this Version

