Recommended Citation
Nies, L. F., B. R. Baldwin, and M. B. Mesarch. Field Implementation of Bioremediation at INDOT Facilities-Phase I. Publication FHWA/IN/JTRP-99/13. Joint Transportation Research Program, Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2000.
Bioremediation is often the most cost-effective and successful technique available for the remediation of soils and groundwater contaminated with organic pollutants (e.g. petroleum). The goal of bioremediation is to stimulate naturally occurring microorganisms to biodegrade the contaminants to harmless products. To be in compliance with EPA regulations all underground fuel storage tanks must have spill, leak and corrosion protection. Many older obsolete tanks had deteriorated to the extent that petroleum products had leaked into the environment. In the past, petroleum contaminated soils were typically excavated, followed by landfilling of the contaminated material. The continued use of landfills for disposal of petroleum contaminated soils is not desirable. An alternative technology is bioremediation. The objectives of this study were to increase utilization of bioremediation by INDOT and other agencies for the remediation of petroleum contaminated sites, reduce uncertainty associated with the design and implementation of bioremediation systems, reduce reliance on landfills for disposal of contaminated soils, reduce long-term liability associated with hazardous waste, and to improve the quality of engineering science utilized for the design of bioremediation systems. In addition, a guidance manual for remediation decision makers was developed. The benefits of achieving these objectives will be to decrease costs associated with Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) remediation, improve environmental quality, and to improve public and environmental health. To achieve the objectives outlined above several bioremediation field demonstrations were successfully developed. A bioremediation field demonstration using Monitored Natural Attenuation was implemented and is an ongoing project at Linton, Indiana. A land farming field demonstration using excavated low hydraulic conductivity soils has been completed at Chrisney, Indiana. An engineered bioremediation field demonstration at a site with contaminated groundwater using a combined Air Sparging-Soil Vapor Extraction system is underway at Shoals, Indiana.
Report Number
Bioremediation, Petroleum, Fuel, BTEX, UST, LUST, Contamination, SPR-2135
SPR Number
Project Number
File Number
Performing Organization
Joint Transportation Research Program
Publisher Place
West Lafayette, IN
Date of this Version