Investigating Insight as Sudden Learning
Ivan K. Ash, Benjamin D. Jee, and Jennifer Wiley
Clue Insensitivity in Remote Associates Test Problem Solving
Steven M. Smith, Cynthia M. Sifonis, and Genna Angello
Testing the Cue Dependence of Problem-Solving-Induced Forgetting
Benjamin C. Storm and Rebecca H. Koppel
Remote Associates Test and Alpha Brain Waves
Henk J. Haarmann, Timothy George, Alexei Smaliy, and Joseph Dien
Visual Attention Modulates Insight Versus Analytic Solving of Verbal Problems
Ezra Wegbreit, Satoru Suzuki, Marcia Grabowecky, John Kounios, and Mark Beeman
Firing the Executive: When an Analytic Approach to Problem Solving Helps and Hurts
Daniel A. Aiello, Andrew F. Jarosz, Patrick J. Cushen, and Jennifer Wiley
Is Insight Always the Same? A Protocol Analysis of Insight in Compound Remote Associate Problems
Edward A. Cranford and Jarrod Moss
Intuitive Tip of the Tongue Judgments Predict Subsequent Problem Solving One Day Later
Azurii K. Collier and Mark Beeman