Conference Year
HVAC, diagnostics, residential, Cloud Based, Heating System, algorithms, Fault
We present a new monitoring and diagnostics model for residential Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. This model will provide a new diagnostics technology system that leverages the latest technology advancements. The model benefits from the cloud computing advantages and offers continuous diagnostic capabilities. Using embedded sensors and monitoring modules for the indoor and outdoor HVAC units, various measurements are transmitted to a cloud sever utilizing the homeowner pre-existing Wi-Fi network. On the cloud side, algorithms process the data and generate triggers that a problem may exist. Relevant information is then shared with home owners and contractors via e-mail & portals. In this paper we explain the system in more detail by providing actual case studies which demonstrate the value in a proactive maintenance and repair model as supported by time-series data. This contrasts the reactive model that exists today.