

Conference Year



aramid fiber, carbon fiber, effective thermal conductivity, metal hydride, MH sheet


In the refrigeration and air conditioning fields, the demands of energy conservation and renewable energy have been increased recently. In this study, we aim at the development of the heat driven type metal hydride (abbr., MH) that can be driven by the low temperature exhaust or solar heat under 100ᵒC. In order to use this system commercially, heat transfer enhancement of MH particle bed, activation characteric improvement and production cost reduction of MH must be achieved. In this study, we use the two heat transfer enhancement methods for improving the low effective thermal conductivity of MH particle bed. One is the MH sheet and another is the brush type carbon fiber. MH sheet is inserted into MH layer. And, by this method, we aim not only to enhance the heat transfer of MH particle bed but also to achieve the temperature uniformity of MH particle one. The cooling performance of our MH refrigeration system is estimated by measurement and calculation.
