Indiana Mobility Reports
Recommended Citation
Remias, S., T. Brennan, C. Day, H. Summers, E. Cox, D. Horton, and D. Bullock. 2012 Indiana Mobility Report: Full Version. 2013. doi: 10.5703/1288284315190, ISBN 978-1-62260-257-5.
The 2012 Mobility Report: Full Version introduces the use of crowd sourced probe data collected from vehicles and mobile devices to quantify the location and duration of congestion on Indiana interstates. The report presents a summary of the I-65 corridor, I-465, and I-94 speed profiles. Summary monthly mobility statistics for all 943 centerline miles of Indiana Interstates 64, 65, 69, 70, 74, 94, and 465 are tabulated in a graphical format to facilitate comparison of mobility along those corridors in both 2011 and 2012. In addition to the Interstates, the report describes arterial travel time characteristics for SR 37 as well as before/after analysis of a traffic signal retiming project on US 31 in Kokomo. The full version is 246 pages and includes the following appendices:
- Appendix A: 2011 & 2012 Interstate Speed Profiles
- Appendix B: 2011 & 2012 Interstate Speed Profiles with Linear Distance Scaled
- Appendix C: 2011 & 2012 Interstate Congestion Hours Summaries
- Appendix D: 2011 & 2012 Interstate Summary Statistics
- Appendix E: 2011 & 2012 Interstate Segment Congestion Rankings
- Appendix F: 2011 & 2012 Interstate and Arterial Corridor Travel Time Summaries
- Appendix G: Performance Measure Calculation Details
Date of this Version