Love is arguably one of the most cherished and coveted emotions, and with it comes a large range of feelings and experiences that are instrumental to shaping the human experience. Both Kaye and Kay focus on the concept of love, and the different forms that it can take, in various pieces of their work. This artifact draws on the thinking of the Ancient Greeks, who theorized that there were eight types of love. I focus here on the four types that believe inform the work of Kaye and Kay: pragma, philia, storge, and eros.
Love as Presented in Poems by Phil Kaye and Sarah Kay
Love is arguably one of the most cherished and coveted emotions, and with it comes a large range of feelings and experiences that are instrumental to shaping the human experience. Both Kaye and Kay focus on the concept of love, and the different forms that it can take, in various pieces of their work. This artifact draws on the thinking of the Ancient Greeks, who theorized that there were eight types of love. I focus here on the four types that believe inform the work of Kaye and Kay: pragma, philia, storge, and eros.