
Challenges occur as research typically require “just in time” library support. The evolution of a research project may lead to sudden changes in coordination between different phases or steps in the project. Consequentially, the need for flexible research support conflicts the possibilities for long-term resource planning and coordination in the library. Moreover, these consequences will enlarge in a situation with resource scarcity. The aim of my presentation is to address some challenges posed by the time-logic inherent in research projects, based on experiences from the literature search team at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University (formerly HIOA, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences).



Research support – “just in time”?

Challenges occur as research typically require “just in time” library support. The evolution of a research project may lead to sudden changes in coordination between different phases or steps in the project. Consequentially, the need for flexible research support conflicts the possibilities for long-term resource planning and coordination in the library. Moreover, these consequences will enlarge in a situation with resource scarcity. The aim of my presentation is to address some challenges posed by the time-logic inherent in research projects, based on experiences from the literature search team at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University (formerly HIOA, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences).