
Submissions from 2024


Effect of S-metolachlor and flumioxazin herbicides on sweetpotato treated with and without activated charcoal applied through transplant water, Colton D. Blankenship, Katherine M. Jennings, David W. Monks, Stephen L. Meyers, David L. Jordan, Jonathan R. Schultheis, David H. Suchoff, Levi D. Moore, and Stephen J. Ippolito


Evaluation of critical weed-free period for three sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivars, Emmanuel G. Cooper, Stephen L. Meyers, Jeanine Arana, Katherine Jennings, Ashley Adair, Kevin D. Gibson, and William G. Johnson


Effect of in-row spacing on weed suppression and yield of ‘Covington’ and ‘Monaco’ sweetpotato, Emmanuel G. Cooper, Stephen L. Meyers, Katherine Jennings, Ashley Adair, Kevin D. Gibson, and William G. Johnson


Effect of Black Soldier Fly Larvae and Food Substrates on Weed Seed Emergence, Stephen L. Meyers, Jeanine Arana, Luz Cardona Giraldo, Laura Ingwell, Laura Rodriguez, and Nathaly Vargas


Jack O’Lantern Pumpkin Response to Carfentrazone, Glufosinate, and Glyphosate Applied to the Distal Portion of the Vine, Stephen L. Meyers, Celia Corado, Jeanine Arana Cordonero, Carlos Lopez, Lidysce Mata, Emmanuel G. Cooper, and Josue Cerrito

Submissions from 2023


Plasticulture banana pepper response to clomazone applied pretransplanting, Jeanine Arana, Stephen L. Meyers, Emmanuel Cooper, Luis F. Medina Castro, Josué Cerritos, and Carlos A. López


Simulated dormant peppermint (Mentha × piperita) response to mesotrione: a greenhouse study, Emmanual G. Cooper, Jeanine Arana, and Stephen L. Meyers


Sweetpotato cultivars responses to interactive effects of warming, drought, and elevated carbon dioxide, Shasthree Taduri, Raju Bheemanahalli, Chathurika Wijewardana, Ajaz A. Lone, Stephen L. Meyers, Mark Shankle, Wei Gao, and K. Raja Reddy


Ethofumesate-resistant annual bluegrass (Poa annua) in grass seed production systems, Vera Vukovic, Clint M. Mattox, Alec R. Kowalewski, Brandon C. McNally, Cale A. Bigelow, Stephen L. Meyers, James T. Brosnan, and Aaron J. Patton

Submissions from 2022


Interference of morningglories (Ipomoea spp.) with ‘Fascination’ triploid watermelon, Jeanine Arana, Stephen L. Meyers, Wenjing Guan, and William G. Johnson


Dose-response of plasticulture summer squash and triploid watermelon to fomesafen applied pre-transplanting, Jeanine Arana, Stephen L. Meyers, William G. Johnson, and Wenjing Guan


Dose-response of two Jack O’Lantern pumpkin cultivars to fomesafen applied preemergence, Jeanine Arana, Stephen L. Meyers, William G. Johnson, and Wenjing Guan


Tolerance of peppermint to tiafenacil applied postharvest, Stephen L. Meyers, Jeanine Arana, and Brandi C. Woolam


Dicamba residue persistence in processing tomato, Stephen L. Meyers, Jeanine Arana, Brandi C. Woolam, Nathaly Vargas, Laura Rodriguez, and Luz Cardona


Drought, Low Nitrogen Stress, and Ultraviolet-B Radiation Effects on Growth, Development, and Physiology of Sweetpotato Cultivars during Early Season, Purushothaman Ramamoorthy, Raju Bheemanahalli, Stephen L. Meyers, Mark W. Shankle, and Kambham Raja Reddy


Allelopathy: an eco-friendly approach to control palmer amaranth using allelopathic sweetpotato, Varsha Singh, Worlanyo Segbefia, Mary Gracen Fuller, Mark W. Shankle, Callie J. Morris, Stephen L. Meyers, and Te-Ming Tseng

Submissions from 2021


Sensory and Nutritional Characteristics of Concept Frozen Desserts Made from Underutilized Sweetpotato Roots, Shinyoung Kim, Stephen L. Meyers, Juan L. Silva, M. Wesley Schilling, and Lurdes Siberio Wood


Applying Social Science to Bring Resident Stakeholders into Pollution Governance: A Rural Environmental Justice Public Health Case Study, Sherrie M. Steiner, Jordan M. Marshall, Atefeh Mohammadpour, and Aaron W. Thompson

Submissions from 2020


Ultraviolet (UV) B effects on growth and yield of three contrasting sweet potato cultivars, Z. Chen, W. Gao, K.R. Reddy, M. Chen, S. Taduri, Stephen L. Meyers, and M.W. Shankle

Submissions from 2019


Investigating the Drivers of Farm Diversification Among U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Operations, Nicholas A. Lancaster and Ariana P. Torres

Submissions from 2016


Chloroplast RNA-Binding Protein RBD1 Promotes Chilling Tolerance through 23S rRNA Processing in Arabidopsis, Shuai Wang, Ge Bai, Shu Wang, Leiyun Yang, Fen Yang, Yi Wang, Jiankang Zhu, and Jian Hua


Type One Protein Phosphatase 1 and Its Regulatory Protein Inhibitor 2 Negatively Regulate ABA Signaling, Hou Yueju, Yingfang Zhu, Pengcheng Wang, Yang Zhao, Shaojun Xie, Giorgia Batelli, Bangshing Wang, Chengguo Duan, Xingang Wang, Lu Xing, Mingguang Lei, Jun Yan, Xiaohong Zhu, and Jian-Kang Zhu

Submissions from 2014


Single-Kernel Ionomic Profiles Are Highly Heritable Indicators of Genetic and Environmental Influences on Elemental Accumulation in Maize Grain (Zea mays)., Ivan R. Baxter, Gregory Ziegler, Brett C. Lahner, Michael V. Mickelbart, Rachel Foley, John Danku, Paul Armstrong, David E. Salt, and Owen A. Hoekenga


ADP1 Affects Plant Architecture by Regulating Local Auxin Biosynthesis., Ruixi Li, Jieru Li, Genji Qin, Ondřej Novák, Aleš Pěnčík, Karin Ljung, Takashi Aoyama, Jingjing Liu, Angus Murphy, Hongya Gu, Tomohiko Tsuge, and Li-Jia Qu


Genome Wide Association Mapping of Grain Arsenic, Copper, Molybdenum and Zinc in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grown at Four International Field Sites., Gareth J. Norton, Alex Douglas, Brett C. Lahner, Elena Yakubova, Mary Lou Guerinot, Shannon RM Pinson, Lee Tarpley, Georgia C. Eizenga, Steve P. McGrath, Fang-Jie Zhao, M Rafiqul Islam, Shofiqul Islam, Guilan Duan, Yongguan Zhu, David E. Salt, Andrew A. Meharg, and Adam H. Price

Submissions from 2013


A Pre-mRNA-Splicing Factor Is Required for RNA-Directed DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis., Chao-Feng Huang, Daisuke Miki, Kai Tang, Hao-Ran Zhou, Zhimin Zheng, Wei Chen, Ze-Yang Ma, Lan Yang, Heng Zhang, Renyi Liu, and Jian-Kang Zhu


Transcriptomic and Physiological Variations of Three Arabidopsis Ecotypes in Response to Salt Stress., Yanping Wang, Li Yang, Zhimin Zheng, Rebecca Grumet, Wayne Loescher, Jian-Kang Zhu, Pingfang Yang, Yuanlei Hu, and Zhulong Chan

Submissions from 2012


High Throughput Sequencing Reveals Novel and Abiotic Stress-Regulated MicroRNAs in the Inflorescences of Rice, Blanca E. Barrera-Figueroa, Lei Gao, Zhigang Wu, Xuefeng Zhou, Jianhua Zhu, Hailing Jin, Renyi Liu, and Jian-Kang Zhu


Mapping of Ionomic Traits in Mimulus guttatus Reveals Mo and Cd QTLs That Colocalize with MOT1 Homologues., David B. Lowry, Calvin C. Sheng, Zhirui Zhu, Thomas E. Juenger, Brett C. Lahner, David E. Salt, and John H. Willis


Poplar GTL1 Is a Ca2+/Calmodulin-Binding Transcription Factor that Functions in Plant Water Use Efficiency and Drought Tolerance., Hua Weng, Chan Yul Yoo, Michael J. Gosney, Paul M. Hasegawa, and Michael V. Mickelbart

Submissions from 2011


Identification and Comparative Analysis of Drought-Associated MicroRNAs in Two Cowpea Genotypes, Blanca E. Barrera-Figueroa, Lei Gao, Ndeye N. Diop, Zhigang Wu, Jeffrey D. Ehlers, Philip A. Roberts, Timothy J. Close, Jian-Kang Zhu, and Renyi Liu


phot1 Inhibition of ABCB19 Primes Lateral Auxin Fluxes in the Shoot Apex Required For Phototropism., John M. Christie, Haibing Yang, Gregory L. Richter, Stuart Sullivan, Catriona E. Thomson, Jinshan Lin, Boosaree Titapiwatanakun, Margaret Ennis, Eirini Kaiserli, Ok Ran Lee, Jiri Adamec, Wendy Peer, and Angus S. Murphy

Submissions from 2010


An Examination of Targeted Gene Neighborhoods in Strawberry, Thomas M. Davis, Melanie E. Shields, Qian Zhang, Denise Tombolato-Terzić, Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, Ana C. Pontaroli, Hao Wang, Qin Yao, Phillip SanMiguel, and Kevin M. Folta


Functional Significance of AtHMA4 C-Terminal Domain In Planta., Rebecca F. Mills, Billy Valdes, Michael Duke, Kerry A. Peaston, Brett C. Lahner, David E. Salt, and Lorraine E. Williams

Submissions from 2009


Exceptional Diversity, Non-Random Distribution, and Rapid Evolution of Retroelements in the B73 Maize Genome., Regina S. Baucom, James C. Estill, Cristian Chaparro, Naadira Upshaw, Ansuya Jogi, Jean-Marc Deragon, Richard P. Westerman, Phillip SanMiguel, and Jeffrey L. Bennetzen


Detailed Analysis of a Contiguous 22-Mb Region of the Maize Genome., Fusheng Wei, Joshua C. Stein, Chengzhi Liang, Jianwei Zhang, Robert S. Fulton, Regina S. Baucom, Emanuele De Paoli, Shiguo Zhou, Lixing Yang, Yujun Han, Shiran Pasternak, Apurva Narechania, Lifang Zhang, Cheng-Ting Yeh, Kai Ying, Dawn H. Nagel, Kristi Collura, David Kudrna, Jennifer Currie, Jinke Lin, HyeRan Kim, Angelina Angelova, Gabriel Scara, Marina Wissotski, Wolfgang Golser, Laura Courtney, Scott Kruchowski, Tina A. Graves, Susan M. Rock, Stephanie Adams, Lucinda A. Fulton, Catrina Fronick, William Courtney, Melissa Kramer, Lori Spiegel, Lydia Nascimento, Ananth Kalyanaraman, Cristian Chaparro, Jean-Marc Deragon, Phillip SanMiguel, Ning Jiang, Susan R. Wessler, Pamela J. Green, Yeisoo Yu, David C. Schwartz, Blake C. Meyers, Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, Robert A. Martienssen, W. Richard McCombie, Srinivas Aluru, Sandra W. Clifton, Patrick S. Schnable, Doreen Ware, Richard K. Wilson, and Rod A. Wing

Submissions from 2008


Methylation-Sensitive Linking Libraries Enhance Gene-Enriched Sequencing of Complex Genomes and Map DNA Methylation Domains, William Nelson, Meizhong Luo, Jianxin Ma, Matt Estep, James Estill, Ruifeng He, Jayson Talag, Nicholas Sisneros, David Kudrna, HyeRan Kim, Jetty SS Ammiraju, Kristi Collura, Arvind K. Bharti, Joachim Messing, Rod A. Wing, Phillip SanMiguel, Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, and Carol Soderlund

Submissions from 2006


Sex-Specific Expression of Alternative Transcripts in Drosophila., Lauren M. McIntyre, Lisa M. Bono, Anne Genissel, Richard P. Westerman, Damion Junk, Marina Telonis-Scott, Larry Harshman, Marta L. Wayne, Artyom Kopp, and Sergey V. Nuzhdin

Submissions from 2004


Production of Se-Methylselenocysteine in Transgenic Plants Expressing Selenocysteine Methyltransferase., Danielle R. Ellis, Thomas G. Sors, Dennis G. Brunk, Carrie Albrecht, Cindy Orser, Brett C. Lahner, Karl Wood, Hugh H. Harris, Ingrid J. Pickering, and David E. Salt