
Este trabajo explora la relación entre la cultura oral y palabra escrita en el siglo XIX argentino, tomando el Facundo de D.F. Sarmiento y la literatura criollista como casos de estudio. Las evidencias sugieren una cierta capacidad de la oralidad para alojarse en textos escritos y, al mismo tiempo, las limitaciones de la palabra escrita para modificar y permanecer la cultura oral. De este modo, el trabajo también intenta contribuir a la comprensión del fenómeno de la recepción en la literatura.

English Translation:

This work explores the relationship between oral culture and the written word in 19th-century Argentina, taking D.F. Sarmiento's Facundo and "Criollista" literature as case studies. According to the evidence uncovered orality exhibited some capacity to become part of written texts while, at the same time and conversely, shows the limitations of the written word to remain in and to modify oral culture. Thus, this work also seeks to contribute to our understanding of the question of reception in literature.


This work was published in: Research Seminar Notebooks, edited by Mary ann Junqueira and Stella Maris Scatena Franco- Sao Paulo: Department of History, College of Philosophy, Letters, and Human Sciences. University of Sao Paulo. Humanitas, 2011. Vol.2, 8-43 (e-book, ISBN 978-85-7732-154-4).


Oralidad, folklore, literatura, Sarmiento, Argentina

Date of this Version

