The mission of the Purdue Policy Research Institute (formerly the Global Policy Research Institute) is to bridge the gaps in understanding among the academic and policy making communities and the public, and position GPRI to be a great resource for our state, nation, and the world.

This series contains publications and reports published through the PPRI Digital Library.


Documents from 2017


Resilient Communities: Understanding Networks for Post-Disaster Recovery, Seungyoon Lee, Daniel P. Aldrich, Rosalee Clawson, Daniel R. Kelly, Megan Sapp Nelson, Arif Mohaimin Sadr, Justin E. Seipel, and Satish Ukkusuri

Documents from 2015


Informe sobre el Taller Universidad del Futuro Colombia-Purdue, Suresh V. Garimella, David B. Janes, and Liliana Gómez Díaz


University of the Future Colombia-Purdue Workshop Report, Suresh V. Garimella, David B. Janes, and Liliana Gómez Díaz


Documento conceptual sobre Redes de Excelencia para la Investigación y la Educación, Suresh V. Garimella, David B. Janes, and Anne Slaughter Andrew


A Concept Paper on Networks of Excellence for Research and Education, Suresh V. Garimella, David B. Janes, and Anne Slaughter Andrew

Documents from 2010


Global Dimension of CI: Compete or Collaborate, Arden L. Bement Jr.


Green Technology: Think Globally, Act Locally, Arden L. Bement Jr.


Network Science: Using Information Technology to Enable Collaboration, Arden L. Bement Jr.


Talk by Dr. A.L. Bement, Jr. on Energy Sustainability, Arden L. Bement Jr.


The Effects of Electricity Pring on PHEV Competitiveness, Shisheng Huang, Bri-Mathias S. Hodge, Farzad Taheripour, Joseph F. Pekny, Gintaras V. Reklaitis, and Wallace E. Tyner


Comparison of Fixed Versus Variable Biofuels Incentives, Wallace E. Tyner, Farzad Taheripour, and David Perkis