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Zou, Yukai; Zhu, Wenbin; Yang, Ho-Ching; Jang, Ikbeom; Vike, Nicole L.; Svaldi, Diana O.; Shenk, Trey E.; Poole, Victoria N.; Breedlove, Evan L.; Tamer, Gregory G. Jr; Leverenz, Larry J.; Dydak, Ulrike; Nauman, Eric A.; Tong, Yunjie; Talavage, Thomas M.; and Rispoli, Joseph V., "Development of brain atlases for early-to-middle adolescent collision-sport athletes" (2021). Purdue University Libraries Open Access Publishing Fund. Paper 149.
Date of this Version
Human brains develop across the life span and largely vary in morphology. Adolescent collision-sport athletes undergo repetitive head impacts over years of practices and competitions, and therefore may exhibit a neuroanatomical trajectory different from healthy adolescents in general. However, an unbiased brain atlas targeting these individuals does not exist. Although standardized brain atlases facilitate spatial normalization and voxel-wise analysis at the group level, when the underlying neuroanatomy does not represent the study population, greater biases and errors can be introduced during spatial normalization, confounding subsequent voxel-wise analysis and statistical findings. In this work, targeting early-to-middle adolescent (EMA, ages 13–19) collision-sport athletes, we developed population-specific brain atlases that include templates (T1-weighted and diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging) and semantic labels (cortical and white matter parcellations). Compared to standardized adult or age-appropriate templates, our templates better characterized the neuroanatomy of the EMA collision-sport athletes, reduced biases introduced during spatial normalization, and exhibited higher sensitivity in diffusion tensor imaging analysis. In summary, these results suggest the population-specific brain atlases are more appropriate towards reproducible and meaningful statistical results, which better clarify mechanisms of traumatic brain injury and monitor brain health for EMA collision-sport athletes.
This is the publisher PDF of Zou, Y., Zhu, W., Yang, HC. et al. Development of brain atlases for early-to-middle adolescent collision-sport athletes. Scientific Reports 11, 6440 (2021). This article is distributed under a CC-BY license, and is available at DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-85518-6.