

William Flynn


Historically, the universal teaching tool kit does not contain advanced technologies (e.g. radio and movies). Only the blackboard, introduced around 1840, is ubiquitous as an artifact of teaching. Teachers adopted and adapted any other technology as an individual option (Cubin, 1986). Driven by the reactionary political rhetoric in A Nation at Risk (National Commission, 1983), a standardized national curriculum is being established and computer technology is being forced upon unprepared teachers. Both invade the educative principle by compelling change through mandate. In doing so the reformers have misinterpreted the current reality of a global world (Friedman, 1999). Worse yet, they have ignored another reality—the rapidity and uncertainty of technological change. As a result, the diversity that is the intellectual strength of the United States is sorely compromised and teachers are not being served or supported in their role as cultural conduits.
