Evaluation of a peer mentoring system to train operators in a midwestern manufacturing environment
The peer mentoring system at a Midwestern pharmaceutical company was the focus of this research. New operators in a bulk manufacturing facility, their mentors, and supervisors were the data sources. The research purpose was to learn what aspects of this process were working well and how it could be improved. The literature describes many factors that can influence how well skills and knowledge learned in the classroom are transferred to the job. The more complex the job, the more difficult it becomes to determine how much of an impact these factors are making and how they interrelate. Mentoring as a method of training employees is well documented in the literature, however it is primarily related to the traditional style of mentoring. The methodology of this study used a combination of interviews and questionnaires to learn more about the effectiveness of this peer mentoring for training new operators. Three perspectives were examined by collecting data from trainees (new operators), their mentors, and their supervisors. Frequency of guided practice and self-confidence were found to correlate with performance. Variety and difficulty of skills were found to correlate with effectiveness of training. Various suggestions for improvement to this training program were identified.
Talbert, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Industrial arts education|Continuing education
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