Drought is a slow-acting natural hazard characterized by critical water shortages with far-reaching consequences. This symposium served as a forum for researchers and stakeholders to interact and exchange current and emerging techniques for drought characterization, along with methods for local and regional data collection, compilation, and format standardization. Papers, posters and panel discussions provided demonstrations and ideas about how the new knowledge base created from the cyberinfrastructure for data collection, when combined with visualization techniques, leads to improved understanding and practical applications. It was held from June 21-22, 2011 at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
This symposium was sponsored by the National Science Foundation through the Office of Cyberinfrastructure and the Hydrological Sciences Division, in partnership with EWRI (Environmental & Water Resources Institute of ASCE) and US Department of Agriculture - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA).
Program Committee
- Carol Song (Rosen Center for Advanced Computing)
- Daniel Aliaga (Department of Computer Science)
- Jacob Carlson (Libraries, Distributed Data Curation Center)
- Indrajeet Chaubey (Agricultural & Biological Engineering/Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- Rao S. Govindaraju (Civil Engineering Department)
- Christoph Hoffmann (Department of Computer Science)
- Dev Niyogi (Agronomy Department and Indiana State Climatologist)
- Lan Zhao (Rosen Center for Advanced Computing)
Analysis of Drought Severity and Duration Based on Runoff Derived from the Noah Land Surface Model, C Prakesh Khedun, HEMANT CHOWDHARY, J. Richard Giardino, ASHOK K. MISHRA, and Vijay P. Singh
Analyzing Past and Predicting Future Drought with Comprehensive Drought Indices for Arkansas-Red River Basin, Lu Liu, Yang Hong, and James E. Hocker
Bivariate drought analysis using entropy theory, Zengchao Hao and Vijay P. Singh
Climatic characterization and response of water resources to climate change in limestone areas: some considerations on the importance of geological setting, Di Matteo Lucio, Valigi Daniela, and Cambi Costanza
Developing A Regional Land Use Drought Index In Florida, Chi-Han Cheng and Fidelia Nnadi
Drought Analysis Based on Copulas, Lu Chen, Vijay P. Singh, and Shenglian Guo
Drought Regionalization of Brazos River Basin Using an Entropy Approach, Deepthi Rajsekhar, Ashok Mishra, and Vijay P. Singh
Innovative Management Systems to Cope with Drought: The Case of South-Western France, Yoro Sidibe, Jean-Philippe Terreaux, and Mabel Tidball
A Hydroclimatological Assessment of the Regional Drought Vulnerability: Indiana Drought, Umarporn Charusombat and Dev Niyogi
Analysis of Drought Severity and Duration Based on Runoff Derived from the Noah Land Surface Model, C Prakesh Khedun, Hemant Choudary, Ashok K. Mishra, J Richard Giardino, and Vijay P. Singh
Analyzing Past and Predicting Future Droughts with Comprehensive Drought Indices for Arkansas-Red River Basin, Lu Liu and Yang Hong
Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Drought Returns Periods Using Copula, Shahrbanou Madadgar and Hamid Moradkhani
Bivariate drought analysis using entropy theory, Zengchao Hao and Vijay P. Singh
Copula-based Approaches to Characterization of Droughts, Xin Lu Tan, Sergey Kirshner, and Rao S. Govindaraju
Developing A Regional Land Use Drought Index In Florida, Chi-Han Cheng and Fidelia Nnadi
Developing Metadata for the DRInet Repository, Jake R. Carlson
DRINET –an Online Drought Research and Collaboration Environment, Lan Zhao, Carol Song, J Lee, Daniel G. Aliaga, Jake R. Carlson, Indrajeet Chaubey, Rao S. Govindaraju, Chris Hoffmann, Dev Niyogi, and George Takahashi
Drought Analysis Based on Copulas, Lu Chen, Vijay P. Singh, and Shenglian Gao
Drought Implications on River Water Quality, Cibin Raj, Yammen M. Hoque, Rao S. Govindaraju, and Dev Niyogi
Drought Regionalization of Brazos River Basin Using an Entropy Approach, Deepthi Rajsekhar, Ashok Mishra, and Vijay P. Singh
Effects of Drought on Water Quality in Streams, Rashad Riley, Xiangning Huang, Jaewoo Lee, Ganeshchandra Mallya, K V. Nedunuri, Lan Zhao, and Indrajeet Chaubey
Exploring the Link Between Droughts and Atmospheric Aerosol Loading, Umarporn Charusombat and Dev Niyogi
Indiana's Water Shortage Plan, Jerry Unterreiner
Innovative Management Systems to Cope with Drought: The Case of South-Western France, Yoro Sidibe, Jean-Philippe Terreaux, and Mabel Tidball
Probabilistic Assessment of Drought Characteristics using a Hidden Markov Model, Ganeshchandra Mallya, Shivam Tripathi, Sergey Kirshner, and Rao S. Govindaraju
Visualization-based Decision Tool for Urban Meteorological Modeling, Daniel G. Aliaga, Carlos A. Vanegas, Ming Lei, and Dev Niyogi
A Look at 20th Century Droughts, Vijay P. Singh and Ashok K. Mishra
A Modified Standardized Precipitation Index for Drought Monitoring, Brent McRoberts and John Nielsen-Gammon
An update on NOAA’s National Integrated Drought Information System, Doug Kluck
Building an Enhanced Drought Early Warning System (DEWS): Tools and Services for Decision Support, Mark Svoboda
Data Challenges in the DataONE Project, John W. Cobb
Designing the Workflow for a Digital Data Repository, Cole Whiteman
Developing a Climate Science Education Professional Development Program, Dan Shepardson
DRINET Project Overview, Carol Song, Daniel G. Aliaga, Jake R. Carlson, Indrajeet Chaubey, Rao S. Govindaraju, Chris Hoffmann, Dev Niyogi, and Lan Zhao
Droughts in the 21st Century and Beyond, Vijay P. Singh, Chris Funk, Jim Angel, and Mark Svoboda
Indiana's Water Shortage Plan, Jerry Unterreiner
Information to Action: Providing Management Recommendations to Agricultural Users Affected by Drought, Bruce Erickson
Monitoring Drought Across Many Scales, Chris Funk
Monitoring Drought in the Midwest, Steve Hilberg
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning, Laura Danielson
On the Physics of Droughts, M. Levent Kavvas
The Microsoft Geospatial Library, Michael Kallay
The Use of Large-Scale Climate Data to Predict Drought, River Flows, and Vegetation Over Central-Southwest Asia, Matthew Barlow