Issue 25.3 (December 2023)
Special Issue: Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
Ed. ZENG Jun and LIU Kang
Thematic Cluster
Introduction: Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
The Making of Chinese Meixue
LI Qingben and WANG Gang
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
The Many Afterlives of Orientalism: Translation, Reception, and Appropriation of Saidian Theory in China
WU You
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
Traveling Theory and Discursive Transformation: The Reception of Walter Benjamin and Emmanuel Levinas in China
WANG Jiajun and TANG Qilin
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
Chinese Modern Leftist Affect and Aesthetic-affective Modernity in the Global Affective Turn
YAN Fang
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
Knowledge Production in the Theory of Literature and Art in Contemporary China: From a Generations Perspective
TAO Dongfeng and ZHANG Chun
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
“China Form” and the Question of the Frankfurt School
DUAN Jifang
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
French Left-wing Literary Theory and Mao Zedong Thought
HAN Zhenjiang and ZHANG Yuling
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
Deleuze’s Challenge to Hegel’s Aesthetics—Chinese Aesthetics in the Confrontation between German Classical Aesthetics and Postmodernism
WU Yuyu
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
Two Imagined Chinas in Tel Quel
WANG Yichen
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
Out of the Myths of “Revolutionary China”: Liu Kang versus Žižek & Badiou
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation: Postscript
LIU Kang
Western Theory’s Chinese Transformation