Javier de la Higuera discusses in his “Foucault and the Recommencement of Philosophy” the idea of a recommencement of philosophy that Michel Foucault has posited on several occasions, although with different meaning and intentions. This article reconstructs how he approached this in the 1960s and shows the fundamental changes that this idea of recommencement underwent in the later Foucault. In his last three years at the Collège de France, Foucault appeared to reinterpret the very idea of philosophy based on his analysis of ancient spirituality and of parrhesiastic philosophical practice. The interpretation that Gilles Deleuze gave of late Foucault, devoted to the study of the new axis of subjectivation, makes it possible to confirm that this was also a question of a highly radical revision of the very status of philosophy and of its important role with regard to politics.
Recommended Citation
de la Higuera, Javier.
"Foucault and the Recommencement of Philosophy."
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