

In their article "Crossed Boundaries in Musical Culture between Asia and the West" Kheng K. Koay and Mikel LeDee examine Tony Prabowo's Pasar Loak (Flea Market) for soprano and percussions and Chinary Ung's Grand Alap (A Window in the Sky). Composers Prabowo and Ung adopt modernist techniques from Western and traditional Asian music cultures in their compositions. Koay and LeDee explore aspects which broaden the presentation of sound in the two selected compositions and the background influences of Western and Asian music on the two composers. Prabowo and Ung absorb new experiences and embrace music that excites them and Prabowo, especially, uses different musical techniques which range from the early to late twentieth century. Ung, on the other hand, incorporates musical idioms from different cultures such as India and Japan in his compositions. The two compositions not only challenge their audiences with new listening experiences, but also illustrate hybrid music between Asia and the West.
