Issue 14.1 (March 2012)
The Notion of Life in the Work of Agamben
Carlo Salzani
US-American New Women in Italy 1853-1870
Sirpa A. Salenius
Imperialist Nostalgia in Masters's To the Coral Strand
Fikret Mehmet Arargüc
Queer Love in Woolf's Orlando and Chu's Notes of a Desolate Man
Pei-Wen Clio Kao
Aesthetics, Opera, and Alterity in Herzog's Work
Jacob-Ivan Eidt
Davis's Poetic Dialogue with Leiris's Autobiography
Jonathan Evans
Nation in Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front and Eastwood's Flags of Our Fathers
Brent M. Smith-Casanueva
The Wounded Healer as Cultural Archetype
Galia Benziman, Ruth Kannai, and Ayesha Ahmad
National Trauma and the 'Uncanny' in Hage's Novel De Niro's Game
Hany Ali Abdelfattah
Free Indirect Discourse in Farsi Translations of Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway
Zohreh Gharaei and Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi
Review Article(s)
Bellow's Letters and Biographies about Bellow: A Book Review Article of New Work by Atlas and Taylo
Gustavo Sánchez-Canales