

In her article "Chekhov as a Founder of the Comedy of a New Type" Vera Zubarev discusses Chekhov's innovations within the framework of general systems thinking and the predispositioning theory. To this end, the notion of the positional style is used as a subject of systems analysis. Zubarev postulates that Chekhov's innovative style signified a new era of thinking now known as systems thinking. The main principles of the style correspond to those offered by the positional style in chess speedily developed at the time Chekhov worked on his stories and plays. Chekhov's reconstruction of the comedic genre had nothing to do with a simple recombination of the known dramatic genres. It was rather a new approach to the notion of the dramatic from the point of view of the characters' potentials and predisposition. Chekhov's comedy of a new type appeared as a result of his development of the positional style that posed questions regarding the degree of strength and richness of the system formed by the characters. Although Chekhov did not conceptualize his style, he made some considerable analytical remarks which suggest his innovative thing.
