

The author writes: “In memory of Bishop Pietro Rossano, that unforgettable and wise teacher in the past and in the present, about dialogue among religions, this article offers the text of a lecture titled ‘Unity of God, Unity in God.’ The lecture was part of a course organized by Sophia University Institute in Loppiano and the Islamic Centre of England in London with twenty Catholic university students and an equal number of Muslims. It was held at Tonadico (Trent) in September 2017. Among other things, I was inspired by the following affirmation of Bishop Rossano; it is like the hidden thread running through the thought I develop here. what writes that we need to express “the interpersonal relationship peculiar to the Christian faith, a relationship inviting subjects into a new relationship with God and their brothers or sisters in a form transcending the orbit of all religions because it is anchored in the mystery of the uni-triune God which humanity shares in Jesus Christ. Far from destroying the preceding religious heritage, this new rapport purifies and expands this heritage to formerly unknown horizons” (Il problema teologico delle religioni, Ed. Paoline, 1975, 46).
