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An Evaluation of ReadCube as an Interlibrary Loan Alternative

Elizabeth J. Weisbrod, Auburn University

Earnestly Seeking Greater Flexibility: The Pros and Cons of Pay‐Per‐View Journal Access

Marija Markovic, Acute Source
Steve Oberg, Wheaton College

ILL as Acquisitions: Implementing and Integrating POD in a Research Library

Edward F. Lener, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg
Ladd Brown, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg

Patron-Driven Acquisition: What Do We Know about Our Patrons?

Monique A. Teubner, Utrecht University
Henk G. J. Zonneveld, Utrecht University

Supporting Rapidly Growing Online Programs in Times of Change

Mary Ann Mercante, Maryville University
Ying Lin, Maryville University

Turning a Crisis Into an Opportunity: DDA and PDA at UTA Libraries

Peter Zhang, University of Texas at Arlington

We’re E‐Preferred. Why Did We Get That Book in Print?

Ann Roll, California State University, Fullerton

What You Need to Know About Moving Collections and Acquisitions Into An E-Dominant Model!

Gerri Foudy, University of Maryland - College Park
Lila A. Ohler, University of Maryland - College Park
Lenore A. England, University of Maryland - University College