
As one of ebrary’s largest academic library DDA customers, the program at the University of Iowa Libraries has been highly successful, though not without challenges. This presentation will present detailed findings from analyzing Iowa’s demand-driven acquisition e-book usage data from over 5,000 titles purchased over 4 years, including examining subject areas, prices, publishers, and other relevant metrics. This presentation will serve as update to a popular session at Charleston in 2010 (Give ‘Em What They Want: Patron-Driven Collection Development), where the University of Iowa Libraries presented data from a 1-year pilot program. Now, with 4 years of experience under our belts, a lot more data, and over a half-million dollars spent from our coffers, Iowa will share what we have learned, gained, and changed as a result of our experiences.

table 1_DDA spending.docx (15 kB)
Table 1 DDA spending

table 2_top ten publishers.docx (11 kB)
Table 2 Top ten publishers

table 3_University Presses.docx (11 kB)
Table 3 University presses

table 4_ top sessions per publisher.docx (12 kB)
Table 4 Top sessions per publisher

table 5_Publication Year.docx (12 kB)
Table 5 Publication year

table 6_subject areas.docx (12 kB)
Table 6 Subject areas

table 7_highest use titles.docx (12 kB)
Table 7 High use titles

table 8_ usage by no of sessions.docx (12 kB)
Table 8 Usage

table 9_price cap savings.docx (12 kB)
Table 9 Price cap savings

table 10_stl analysis.docx (12 kB)
Table 10 Short term loan analysis



Four Years of Unmediated Demand-Driven Acquisition and 5,000 E-Books Later: We Gave ‘Em What They Wanted

As one of ebrary’s largest academic library DDA customers, the program at the University of Iowa Libraries has been highly successful, though not without challenges. This presentation will present detailed findings from analyzing Iowa’s demand-driven acquisition e-book usage data from over 5,000 titles purchased over 4 years, including examining subject areas, prices, publishers, and other relevant metrics. This presentation will serve as update to a popular session at Charleston in 2010 (Give ‘Em What They Want: Patron-Driven Collection Development), where the University of Iowa Libraries presented data from a 1-year pilot program. Now, with 4 years of experience under our belts, a lot more data, and over a half-million dollars spent from our coffers, Iowa will share what we have learned, gained, and changed as a result of our experiences.