Assessing the trustworthiness of location data based on provenance
Trustworthiness of location information about particular individuals is of particular interest in the areas of forensic science and epidemic control. In many cases, location information is not precise and may include fraudulent information. With the growth of mobile computing and positioning systems, e.g., GPS and cell phones, it has become possible to trace the location of moving objects. Such Systems provide us an opportunity to find out the true locations of individuals. In this paper, we present a model to compute trustworthiness of the location information of an individual based on different evidences from different sources. We also introduce a collusion attack that may bias the computation. Based on the analysis of the attack, we present the algorithm to detect and reduce the effect of collusion attacks. Our experimental results show the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach.
algorithms, database applications, location data, security, trustworthiness
Date of this Version
GIS '09 Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems