Ionomics Atlas: a tool to explore interconnected ionomic, genomic and environmental data


Ionomics Atlas facilitates access, analysis and interpretation of an existing large-scale heterogeneous dataset consisting of ionomic (elemental composition of an organism), genetic (heritable changes in the DNA of an organism) and geographic information (geographic location, altitude, climate, soil properties, etc). Ionomics Atlas allows connections to be made between the genetic regulation of the ionome of plant populations and their landscape distribution, allowing scientists to investigate the role of natural ionomic variation in adaptation of populations to varied environmental conditions in the landscape. The goal of the Ionomics Atlas is twofold: (1) to allow both novice and expert users to easily access and explore layers of interconnected ionomic, genomic and environmental data; and (2) to facilitate hypothesis generation and testing by proving direct querying and browsing of the data as well as different display modes of the results.


biology and genetics, genomic data, ionomic data, visualization

Date of this Version





CIKM '12 Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management
Pages 2680-2682
