This study was undertaken to understand and predict results of experimental cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques involving compression and decompression of either the chest or the abdomen. Simple mathematical models of the adult human circulation were used. Assumptions of the models are limited to normal human anatomy and physiology, the definition of compliance (volume change/pressure change), and Ohm’s law (flow = pressure / resistance). Interposed abdominal compression-CPR, active compression and decompression of the chest, and Lifestick CPR, which combines interposed abdominal compression and active compression and decompression, produce, respectively, 1.9-, 1.2-, and 2.4- fold greater blood flow than standard CPR and systemic perfusion pressures of 45, 30, and 58 mm Hg, respectively. These positive effects are explained by improved pump priming and are consequences of fundamental principles of cardiovascular physiology.
active compression and decompression-cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ACD-CPR; blood flow; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; computers; heart arrest; interposed abdominal compression-cardiopulmonary resuscitation; IAC-CPR; Lifestick; mechanics
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Recommended Citation
Babbs, Charles F., "Efficacy of interposed abdominal compression-cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), active compression and decompression-CPR, and Lifestick CPR: Basic physiology in a spreadsheet model" (2000). Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty Publications. Paper 131.
This is the author accepted manuscript version of C.F. Babbs, Efficacy of interposed abdominal compression-cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR, active compression and decompression-CPR, and Lifestick CPR: Basic Physiology in a Spreadsheet Model, Critical Care Medicine, 29 No 11 (suppl), N199-N202, 2000. Published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, the version of record is available at http://journals.lww.com/ccmjournal/Abstract/2000/11001/Efficacy_of_interposed_abdominal.7.aspx.